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Sagitec Blog

Empowering Professional Developers: How Low-code/no-code Can Help

The low-code/no-code (LCNC) revolution is in full swing, and, despite first impressions, it's not something that professional developers need to fear. In fact, the growing prominence of LCNC platforms can help even the savviest coder.


Sagitec's Compliance Milestones

One needs to create and implement proper internal controls to operate a business. Companies also must comply with applicable laws and regulations. 


Governance, Risk, and Compliance Programs – What They are and Why They Matter

All businesses are responsible for complying with federal and global laws. These laws vary greatly, and compliance in the fluctuating climate of our global business environment can be overwhelming. Keeping track of regulations governing an organization's ethical and legal practices is an ever-changing process.  


Reconnecting with Our Industry Peers and Colleagues at NASWA 2022

After a couple of whirlwind years, meeting new faces and old contacts in the Windy City was great during the 2022 NASWA Summit. This year’s summit was the largest ever, with over 700 attendees and vendors.


How Pension Agencies Can Prepare for the New Tax Changes in 2022

Significant tax changes are coming for pension agencies – is your organization prepared?


Sagitec Matches Employees' Donations to Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund

At the end of July, the eastern part of the state of Kentucky, located in the United States, was hit by a devastating, historic storm that caused hundreds of residents to be displaced across multiple counties.


New Medicaid Members? Here are Communication Strategies for Boosting their Engagement

Health plans have always had trouble engaging their members – particularly when it comes time for members to renew their eligibility. Traditional outreach methods that prompt this engagement are often time-consuming and expensive. Plus, their lackluster results leave many plans wanting more from their efforts.


Five Best Approaches to New Product Orientation that help your Users Transform

Caterpillars undergo complete metamorphosis to become butterflies. As caterpillars, they are slow and can't go too far. But as butterflies, they are agile, can cover tremendous distances, and are free.


How Sagitec's People, Processes, and Platform Scale to Meet Clients' Needs

Public organizations are expected to do more with less. Sagitec's unique efficiencies in staffing and software make it easier for these organizations to achieve their goals.