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Sagitec Blog

Want to get ahead in the digital race? Start adopting cloud.

Cloud addresses all the needs of an organization, changing how we work, where we work, and the ways we do business. Here are some key benefits that an organization derives if the cloud is implemented correctly.


Eliminate lawsuits. Comply with accessibility regulations today!

In today’s digital world, your website and online presence must comply with accessibility regulations. The Department of Justice (DOJ) published the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessible design in September 2010. These standards state that all electronic and information technology must be accessible to people with disabilities.


5 Ways Chatbots are Powering Government Services

Futurists have been envisioning ‘talking computers’ for ages and they are not just science fiction but the reality today. Artificial intelligence is already transforming our daily lives. It is no surprise that the government sector is adopting this rapid technological advancement rather quickly. Governments have already begun to adopt chatbots; computer programs that one can talk to by text or voice. This is helping government agencies improve their speed and quality of service and citizens’ in-turn are getting a better customer experience.


An interview with Stephanie Schrankler: Takeaways from the NPEA annual conference

The National Pension Education Association (NPEA) annual conference concluded last week and as always, it is said to have been an invaluable forum to stay informed and up to date on retirement education, communication trends, and important issues facing the public retirement community.


Chatbots and what you need to know

 The global chatbot market is expected to reach $1.23 billion by 2025, a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3%, according to a recent report by Grand View Research. What must you know about chatbots, at a minimum? View our infographic here.


Protecting the Retirement Industry from Cyber theft and Ransomware

The main purpose of theft and robbery is to take prime assets away to make money or become rich. In today’s world, data thieves operate on the same principle – to take personal and financial data in exchange for money or recognition. Data is the main asset of consumers today. The retail industry is a target for payment card data, the finance industry for financial assets and investment data and even the media industry is not spared and prime-time shows like HBO's Game of Thrones’ episodes were hacked and leaked. Even the recent Equifax data breach only shows that personal data can be as valuable as any financial asset.


Programming Wars? That’s history

The early days of computer programming were quite daunting for everyone. Different types and makes of desktops and PCs had their own unique features and architecture and computing power was expensive. This forced programmers to create specific machine instructions so that different machines could understand and interpret the code. This proved to be slow and tough for programmers. When Object Oriented Programming (OOP) languages came into existence, it helped programmers to solve many problems instead of spending time on writing machine instructions.


Infographic - improving health literacy with data

View this infographic to learn more about how data and analytics can help improve health literacy


How can Healthcare and Life Sciences companies navigate a world of digital disruption?

Adoption of digital technologies has been more rapid in industries such as retail, financial services, and media than in the Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS) industries. Mobile and social communications, analytics, cloud computing and the Internet of things are just a few of the technologies that can make a big impact in how HLS organizations go to market faster, engage with patients better or transform their healthcare programs.


Evolution of human resources to a strategic function

We live in a world of rapid change – technological, social, economic and political. In the midst of this flux are organizations, which are trying to make sense of these changes and how they can perform better. And within these pressured organizations, the function of Human Resources (HR) is more important than ever.