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Sagitec Blog

Seamless Connections: Unpacking Integration Architecture in Low-Code/No-Code Platforms

Integration architecture is pivotal in the dynamic application development landscape, especially in Low-Code/No-Code platforms (LCNC), because it acts as a backbone that seamlessly connects various elements and functionalities. I’ve spoken previously about how organizations should determine whether monoliths or microservices are the best setup for their organization, and system integration architecture is the key that enables different applications to run smoothly and successfully.


The Secret to Maximizing Form Conversions: LCNC Platforms

Every enterprise knows the challenge of getting website visitors and platform users to fill out forms. Whether it’s for gathering critical feedback on a new software feature or to generate new sales leads, form conversion rates have been notoriously low. The average form conversion rate is around 3% - this is a problem when 74% of businesses use forms as their main way to generate online leads.


Cloud Native or Cloud Agnostic? What Your Organization Needs to Know

One debate ends, but a second begins.

The first question focused on whether an organization should be on the cloud.


Monoliths vs. Microservices: Which Software Architecture is Right for Your Organization

Speed versus scale. Cloud versus on-prem. Monolith or microservice.

There are many factors to weigh when determining the right architecture service for your organization. The right setup for your organization should be one that most aligns with its objectives. Understanding the two most common software structures can help you identify how best to proceed.


Empowering Professional Developers: How Low-code/no-code Can Help

The low-code/no-code (LCNC) revolution is in full swing, and, despite first impressions, it's not something that professional developers need to fear. In fact, the growing prominence of LCNC platforms can help even the savviest coder.