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4 ways knowledge management can lead to great customer service

Written by Stephanie Schrankler | Tue, Jul 25, 2017

Looking introspectively at knowledge and learning management results in putting blinders on and doesn’t allow organizations to fully realize the benefits of their knowledge and learning management initiatives and solutions.

The truth is that external platforms like Google has revolutionized how we access information and Google is embedded into our everyday vocabulary. Even young children know that when you need help, the answer is “just Google it”. It’s not just millennials who are gravitating toward this method of information retrieval – older generations are also using Google to answer their most pressing questions.

“Just Google it” is exactly what your customers are thinking when they have a question about your business. There are four external perspectives that you should be considering when thinking about Knowledge and Learning Management (KLM) for your external audiences and customers:

Customer Relationship Management

You can’t fully master Customer Relationship Management (CRM) without KLM. According to Gartner, Inc. in an article titled: The Case for Knowledge Management in CRM, “enterprises that mastered CRM fundamentals are shifting attention to knowledge management and customer interactive learning, collaboration selling, and problem resolution through communities.” The fact is that knowledge management is a critical success factor in long-term customer relationship management. While KLM and CRM have been traditionally treated as separate disciplines, they work toward the same goal and support each other’s success.

Customer Service

There are several ways in which good KLM can improve your customer service. This includes greater consistency in terms of getting customers both accurate and complete answers; reducing hold times, transfers, and call backs for customers; decreasing training costs; getting answers fasters; and better educated customers.

According to Forrester, in a blog titled: Knowledge Management Delivers Real Results for Customer Service, Kate Leggett states “in 2014, web self-service was the most commonly used communication channel for customer service, exceeding phone use.” Three years later, now in 2017, web self-service has only grown in popularity. By giving your customers access to great KLM content, you are truly empowering them to serve themselves. Leggett goes on to list customer service benefits of KLM including reducing the cost of customer service; increasing customer satisfaction; increasing compliance to regulatory and/or company policies; and increasing revenue.

Customer Experience

In a blog posted by Nanorep, titled: 5 Ways Good Knowledge Management Can Perform Customer Experience Miracles, author Yaniv Reznik starts by asking “what makes a great customer service experience?” He goes on to explain that 82% of customers consider accuracy and quality of information to be the most important attribute of the customer experience. Customers expect their questions to be understood and to receive answers that will resolve their issues—and they expect it with a certain level of immediacy. KLM is beneficial for both your contact representatives and customers as accurate answers can be made available at the click of a button, increasing your insights and customer understanding, while decreasing the cost of training customer care representatives.

Customer Satisfaction

A good relationship, great service, and a spot-on experience through KLM all lead to one thing: customer satisfaction.

Don’t shy away from using a KLM strategy and products for your external customers. Instead, aim towards embedding KLM into every aspect of your organization and watch your KPIs and Balanced Scorecard climb to the top of the mountain.

For a free demo of Knowtion, our KLM platform or to know more about how KLM can help, please click the link below:

About Sagitec Solutions

Sagitec Solutions, LLC designs and delivers tailor-made pension, provident fund, unemployment insurance, and healthcare and life sciences software solutions to clients of all sizes. Understanding that a dynamic world requires dynamic technology, Sagitec offers solutions that are highly configurable and extensible by nature. With deep industry experience in software implementation and systems integration, project management, consulting, hosting and software support, Sagitec is a partner clients can trust to deliver mission-critical IT projects. Find further information by visiting or by contacting Rick Deshler at (651) 335-3406 or at