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Non-Profit Success through Process Automation: Achieving More with Less

Written by Sameer Pise | Thu, Feb 23, 2023

Non-profits face limited resources when it comes to process automation, but the good news is that automation can be a game-changer. It saves time and helps overcome budget, personnel, and technology challenges. Check out these stats:

  • Non-profits that use automation can see a 29% increase in donors (Idealware).
  • Automation in fundraising can lead to a 28% revenue increase and a 15% donor retention boost (Salesforce).
  • 60% of non-profits that automate report an increase in productivity, and 56% report greater efficiency (TechSoup).
  • 92% of non-profits that use cloud-based tech see cost savings, and 69% see improved staff productivity (Deloitte).

Non-profits may be unable to fully automate their operations due to a resource shortage. Here are some constraints that they work with. 


Non-profit organizations often operate on limited budgets, with limited funds available to invest in process automation solutions. This can make it difficult for them to afford the software, hardware, and other resources needed to automate their processes. For example, a non-profit organization may not have the funds to purchase a high-end CRM system to automate its fundraising and donor management processes.


Many non-profit personnel already wear multiple hats, and non-profit organizations may not have the personnel available to implement, manage and maintain automation solutions. According to a report by the Bridgespan Group, 72% of non-profit leaders lack sufficient staff capacity to implement their organizations' strategies effectively. This can be particularly challenging for smaller non-profits that may have only a few staff members. For example, a non-profit may not have an IT department or an IT person to develop and maintain a custom automation solution.

Technical expertise

According to a survey conducted by TechSoup, 90% of non-profit organizations surveyed stated that they did not have a designated IT staff person, and 43% reported that their staff members lacked the necessary technical skills. Without enough personnel or budget, non-profit organizations may lack the technical expertise to implement and maintain automation solutions.

Limited IT infrastructure

Non-profit organizations may have limited IT infrastructure, which may not be able to handle the increased data storage and processing requirements of automation.

This can make it hard to scale the automation to meet growing needs. For example, an organization may want to automate its volunteer management process, but its existing IT infrastructure may not be able to handle the increased data storage requirements of an automation system.

Outdated technologies

With limited resources, non-profit organizations may not have access to the latest technologies to help them automate their processes. This can make their existing processes less efficient and less effective than newer, more advanced solutions. For example, an organization may use an outdated content management system, making it harder to publish and update its website.

🌟 Creative Solution Alert! 🌟

But what if there was a solution that could help you overcome these barriers? With some low-code platforms, you can automate your processes quickly and cost-effectively. Imagine processing more grant applications and programs without adding more staff. It may sound like a dream, but it's possible with low-code platforms. Don't let limited resources hold you back from achieving your mission.

Below are the benefits that low-code platforms can offer.


Are you looking to cut development costs and streamline your process? With a low-code platform, you can save big compared to traditional software development methods. Don't believe us? According to Forrester Research, low-code development can result in a 70% reduction in development costs, a 90% reduction in deployment time, and a 50% reduction in maintenance costs. And with a subscription-based pricing model, you only pay for the features and capacity you need, making it a budget-friendly solution for non-profit organizations. 

Minimal technical expertise required:

With low-code platforms, non-profit organizations can automate their processes without hiring specialized staff or consultants. In fact, according to a survey by TechRepublic, 76% of IT leaders reported that low-code platforms reduce their reliance on specialized developers.

Easy to use:

Say goodbye to complex coding and hello to easy automation! Low-code platforms offer simple drag-and-drop interfaces and visual development tools that make automation a breeze, even if you have limited technical knowledge. 

Automation of repetitive tasks:

Low-code platforms can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, giving your team more time to focus on important activities that drive your mission forward. 

Scalable and flexible:

Low-code platforms can grow and evolve automation solutions with your organization's changing needs. According to a survey by Forrester Research, 88% of low-code platform users can quickly respond to business needs with their low-code solutions. Stay on top of your game by easily adapting to change! 

Access to pre-built solutions and templates:

Speed up your automation journey with low-code platforms. Pre-built solutions and templates mean non-profit organizations can get started quickly and easily without extensive coding expertise. 

Efficient data management:

Some user-friendly low-code platform allows you to easily manage and organize your data, ensuring compliance, accuracy, and security. According to a study by Gartner, low-code platforms can improve data quality by up to 90%, reducing errors and ensuring you make informed decisions based on accurate data. 

In summary, low-code platforms can help non-profit organizations overcome the challenges of limited resources by providing cost-effective, easy-to-use, and scalable automation solutions that require minimal technical expertise. These benefits can help non-profit organizations streamline their processes and focus their resources on their core mission. 

Are you interested in how a low-code platform can provide a customized solution to meet the unique automation requirements and solve your 'limited resources' issue? We have a solution. Contact us for a free consultation.

Learn more about how low-code/no-code platform enables non-profits to stay current with technology.